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Fala meu povo, semana que vem estou embarcando para NY e preparei um roteiro bem detalhado que espero conseguir seguir. Porém, gostaria da opinião de vocês.


Somente algumas informações: estou viajando eu e minha esposa, já compramos o NYPass e fizemos reservas para o Cirque du Soleil, Homem Aranha e Fuerza Bruta. Esses espetáculos não temos como mudar a data, mas para o resto, aceitamos críticas e sugestões! Inclusive os 2 últimos dias estão em aberto ainda, falta definir o que fazer...



- Descrição do passeio

* detalhe do passeio - hora + descrição + localização

(*) passeio opcional


sunrise/sunset abril-maio: 06:00/20:00


Dia 1 - Domingo

Objetivo: Central Park/Times Square


- 07:00 - chegada vôo JFK

- 10:00 - previsao chegada Salisbury hotel p/ deixar malas/check-in hotel

- 10:30/11:00 - comprar MetroCard estacao 57St - 7Av [NQR]

- 10:30/11:00 - pegar metro sentido southbound @57st e descer na próxima estação 49st ou caminhar! :D


- 11:00 - retirar NY Pass

* Gray Line New York Visitor Center (7:30 am - 8:00 pm) - 777 8th Ave (between 47th & 48th St.)


- 11:30 - visita rápida a Times Square

- 12:30 - almoço (algum restaurante entre Times Square e Columbus Circus)

(*) Planet Hollywood (utilizar Fast Track! + 10 dólares desconto) - 1540 Broadway (at 45th Street)


- 14:00 - MoMa (5o andar!) - 10h30 às 17h30 - 11 West 53rd Street (between 5th/6th Avenues)


- 15:00 - Columbus Circus - @brodway

* sorveteria Grom - broadway st @ 58st


- 15:30-18:30 - Passeio Central Park (59st - 110st) - se não chover!

* alugar bike: Free 4 hour NYC Bike Rental - Bike and Roll NYC Bike Rental com nypass - Central Park West

* Entrar central park

* Sheep Meadow - West Side from 66th to 69th

* Strawberry Fields - West Side between 71st and 74th

* Imagine

(*) Dakota Building (último lar de john lennon) - fora do central park

* The Mall and Literary Walk - Mid-Park from 66th to 72nd

* Bethesda Fountain - Mid-Park on the north side of 72nd

* Belvedere Castle - Mid-Park at 79th

* Alice in Wonderland statue - East Side at 75th

(*) Aluguel de barco: Central Park Boathouse Café - East Side between 74th and 75th

* Great Lawn (picnic - centro do parque) - Mid-Park from 79th to 85th

* Vanderbilt Gate - entrada para o Conservatory Garden

* Conservatory Garden - East Side from 104th-106th. Enter at Fifth Avenue and 105th Street, or 106th gate inside the Park.

(*) FAO Schwarz

(*) Apple Store 5th Av

(*) Lincoln Center


- 19:00 - voltar p/ hotel

- 20:30 - Times Square/Jantar Bubba Gump



Dia 2: Segunda-feira

Objetivo: Midtown parte 1 [Gramercy e Flatiron district] + compras



- 09:00 - FlatIron building

* pegar linha NR southbound e descer na estacao 23rd st [NR], sai em frente ao flatiron building

* relógio de calçada - 200, 5th ave

* atravessar madison square park e visualizar prédio da New York Life Insurance Company (madison av @ E 26th st)

* descer madison avenue até chegar na 23rd - irá passar pelo Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

* desce a brodway(ladies mile) até 20st. Dobrar a esquerda, ver a casa que nasceu Theodore Roosevelt, e depois ir até o Irving Place (primeira rua em frente ao Gramercy Park).

* dar a volta ao redor do Gramercy Park, pois não é permitida entrada: o parque é exclusivo para moradores

* pegar metro 23st [N,R] Northbound até estacao 34St-Herald Sq

- 10:00 - Empire State building (NY Pass) - 350 Fifth Avenue (between 33rd/34th Streets), To avoid crowds, visit before 11:00am. Pick up your tickets for the observation deck at the Empire State Building ticket window on the second floor.

- 11:30 - Penn Station/Madison Square Garden - W 33rd st

- 12:30 - Macy's + almoço - W 34th st

(*)Manhattan Mall

- 16:00 - BH Photo - W 33rd st @ 9th st (10-18 su/9-19mo-sa)

- 17:30 - Voltar ao hotel c/ compras - metrô 34 St - Penn Station[ACE] northbound, até Columbus Circus

- 18:30 - St Patrick's - Daily: 6:30am to 8:45pm*

- 19:00 - Rockefeller Center + Top of the Rock

- 21:00 - Times Square/Jantar Hard Rock Cafe




Dia 3: Terça-feira

Objetivos: Midtown parte 2 [intrepid + regiao 5a avenida + show broadway]


- 09:30 - pegar metro sentido southbound @57st e descer na próxima estação 49st ou caminhar! Pegar onibus M-50 na 49th st

- 10:00 - Intrepid Museum - Pier 86, 12th Ave. & 46th st - 10:00 to 17:00

Para chegar lá:

(1) Take cross-town buses west:

M34 (34th Sts), M42 (42nd St.) or M-50 (49th St.) to 12th Ave. and Hudson River.

Intrepid is a short walk North from the M34 and M42. The M50 drops off immediately in front of the Intrepid.

(2) NYC Metro Subway

Take the A, C, E, N, R, S, 1, 2, 3, 7 train to 42nd St., then walk or take the M-42 West Bus to Hudson River (12th Ave). Walk North to Intrepid


- 13:00 - Grand Central Terminal

* onde almoçar?

- 15:00 - Chrysler Building (lobby)

- 15:30 - Bryant Park - 41 West 40th St @ 5th av

- 16:00 - NY Public Library - 5th Avenue East @42nd St - 10h às 18h

- 17:00 - 5th Avenue (lojas)

- 18:00 - Lincoln Center - Mo-Fri 8am-10pm




Dia 4: Quarta-feira

Objetivo: Museus + Cirque du Soleil


- 9:30 - Metropolitan - Tue–Thu: 9:30am–5:30pm

- 13:30 - Guggenheim - 10:00 às 17:45 (qui:fechado) -

- 14:30 - American Museum of Natural History - daily: 10:00-17:45

- 19:00 - Flushing

- 20:00 - TOTEM in New York - Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at 8:00 PM




Dia 5: Quinta-feira

Objetivos: Columbia University + Brooklyn

- 9:30 - Columbia University

Para chegar lá: pegar metro na 59 St-Columbus Circus [1] northbound descer em 116St - Columbia University

* ir até o Visitor's Center

- 10:00 - St Paul's Chapel Columbia University (1906)

- 11:00 - The Riverside Church

Para chegar lá: subir a Broadway (northbound), dobrar a esquerda na W120 st até a Riverside Dr

- 12:00 - Brooklyn

* almoço - TBD

* passeio 3h

(*) Jardim Botanico Brooklyn

- Retornar via Brooklyn Bridge (procurar Brooklyn Bridge Promenade)

- 18:00 - NY City Hall @Chamber St (saída da ponte do brooklyn) / City Hall Park

- 18:30 - NY County Clerk / NY City Supreme Court




Dia 6: Sexta-feira

Objetivos: South Street Seaport + Tour Rio Hudson + Financial District + Peça da Broadway

- 10:00 - NY Water Taxi tour (Pier 84 - pegar ticket WTC)

- - Walking tour c/ Big City Walks por Lower Manhatan

* 9/11 Memorial

* Wall St

* City Hall

* Trinity Church

* St Paul's Chapel (1776 - Manhattan's oldest public building in continuous use)

* Charging Bull

* Battery Machine Building

* Battery Park

* Federal Hall

* Federal Reserv Bank

* Statue of Liberty

* Daily News Building


- 20:00 - SPIDER-MAN Turn Off The Dark, Foxwoods Theatre, New York, NY - Fri, May 3, 2013 08:00 PM




Dia 7: Sábado

Objetivos: Greenwich Village + Soho e Tribeca

- Tribeca (passeio 90')

- Soho

- Greenwich Village

- Highline Park



- 19:00 - Fuerza Bruta, Daryl Roth Theatre, 101 East 15th Street (Between Union Square East and Irving Place)




Dia 8: Domingo

(*) 10:00 - Passeio Harlem - 90'






- the United Nations (ONU)

- Restaurante Red Lobster

- Suthon Place ??

- Homesoxxxx of America

- East Village - passeio 90' - cooper union

- Lower East Side - 90'

- NY Botanical Garden

- Passeio Harlem 90'

- village vanguard

- blue note

(*) NBC Studio tour (Friends, The Office, 30 rock, Dr OZ): 90 minutes

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